Selling in 2020 – What difference would it make?
Happy New Year and welcome to 2020!
Did you know the success rate of a New Year’s Resolution is a measly 20%? And most have failed by mid-February?
So, while we’re still in January – let’s uncover the formula that could help you and your family achieve the greatest resolution of all: selling your home.
What would need to happen in 2020 to make this year a success for you?
Let’s imagine it’s a year from now – January 2021. You are living in your dream house, having made a series of bold decisions to maximise your chances of selling your home and moving on in your life.
How would that make you and your family feel?
Of course, other factors will also influence how successful 2020 is for you. But we know that being unable to sell your house puts you in a state of limbo, and can affect all the other aspects of your life including your health, your relationships, your opportunities, time and money.
We know, because we have helped thousands of other homeowners to reach their goals, and move on with their lives.
The Saleability Formula™
The Saleability FormulaTM is simple. But it isn’t easy. And it starts by taking your home sale right back to basics: your marketing.
Think of the Saleability FormulaTM like a funnel; the more potential buyers you put in the top of the funnel, the more offers you will create at the bottom. But how do we attract enough potential buyers into the top of your funnel?
We do this, with your marketing.
The marketing of your home is the single most important success factor when it comes to attracting potential buyers in enough quality and quantity.
Your marketing is every way a buyer comes into contact with your home, both offline and online. So your images, property description, your brochure and the floorplan. It’s everything a buyer uses to decide whether or not to book a viewing.
Here’s how the Saleability Formula™ will help you to sell your home:
See How The Saleability Formula™ Will Work For You
Every home is unique in its way. And if your home is already on the market, it has a unique reason why it hasn’t yet sold.
We’d love to share our ideas with you on what those unique reasons could be for you. A chat over some left-over Christmas cake will give us the chance to discuss with you the specific reasons why your home has failed to attract that elusive successful offer.
We’ll also provide for you (free of charge) a bespoke Sale Strategy Report that details how our Saleability Formula™ can help you make an informed decision about the steps you need to take to move on.
If I can help, let us arrange that chat at a time that suits us both, so we can help you and your family. You can call or text me on 07974 145566, or call one of my super-friendly team on 01244 313900. Alternatively, you can email me at